A commons debate has been secured on leasehold on Thursday December 21.
It means the issues of leasehold can be discussed in a privileged setting.
The debate is in Westminster Hall, not the main chamber … and it is on the last day before the Christmas break.
Nonetheless, it is an agenda-free backbench debate.
There is no shortage of material:
Sajid Javid’s now prolonged review of leasehold abuses, onerous ground rents and leasehold houses, which we have been waiting for the best part of a year.
More than a year, as LKP got media attention to this in October 2016. This is when Patrick Collinson, of the Guardian started his brilliant series of articles on the scandal.
Then there are the massive bills facing leaseholders over Grenfell cladding, addressed by the Times today and again tomorrow.
The bottom line here is that if aggressive and anonymous offshore freeholders impose these enormous bills then families are going to lose their homes.
Can it be right for entities that hide their beneficial ownership offshore are able to forfeit the leases of ordinary families?
This nonsense needs stopping right now.
There is Justin Madders MP’s bill to impose a statutory formula of ten times annual ground rent to buy out freeholds.
This goes to the heart of the murky racket.
Urgent reforms are needed: to repair the damage to Right To Manage caused by the Triplerose decision.
Regulation of managing agents and protection of funds – the subject of yet another review.
Meanwhile, taxpayers are still fuelling the sales of leasehold properties through Help To Buy, even though they are simply long tenancies.
All this before we get to consideration of the infinite variety of leasehold scams, which this deeply flawed form of tenure gives rise to.
Hey admin may I just say with the greatest of respect,
A little less conversation, a little more action!! What the bejusus are those constant interminable bloody debates achieving ? NOW Is the time for Acton @nd to stop this seemingly non ending talk shop. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Enough of talk the talk please walk the walk. I say this with the utmost restpect for LKP. But it really is time the gloves are taken off. To be candid, I believe that it is only now when Katie Kendrick put her dog in the fight that people sat up and took REAL NOTICE. Of the Leasehold situation.
Enough of the APPG meetings where nothing is ever bloody resolved, Its all about the ‘BOTTOM LINE” . I ask that you please reach it tomorrow at the APPG meeting. We are counting on you. Please do not let us down.
Thank you.
I agree with Kim. People are getting ripped off on a daily basis. And not just by off shore accounts. And the issue goes a lot deeper than just people who want to buy their freehold.
While as the law allows for a leasehold to extended, it is sometimes the devils own job to get it done, and often costs thousands of pounds over and above the realistic cost of the new lease in associated costs.
As Kim said, stop the talking and start some action to protect innocent people who just want a home with a decent lease
Well Colin. Let’s see what happens!! Something has got to give.,…
Kim, you are the kind of person who doesn’t doff his (her) cap when going to the big house.
David, you are absolutely right. thing is I don’t orfen get invited to the big Ouse. Perhaps I am viewed as “ Le petit sauvage”………….Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I guess I have lived too long (having seen it all before) to expect anything proper to come of Sajid Javid’s consultation. I do not criticise LKP at all, indeed I praise them, LKP is working the only way it can – through a thoroughly corrupt system – if it wants to achieve change. My contempt is for government ministers, high ranking civil servants, and the judiciary. MP’s on the APPG? Quite laughable, they achieve headlines with strident speeches but achieve nothing, they are actors playing their part.
Your passion for the cause is more than worthy, but whilst the cause is worth being passionate about, what of those who sit on the side-lines, silent, even indifferent?
As a woman of colour ( like the divine Megan Merkel) I have fought alongside my activist father since the of 10-11 yrs railing against the Injustices of society , Governments and corporations. Apartheid, Thalidomide “experiment,” Poll Tax, Iraq war to name but a few…..
I believe this Leasehold/ Unregulated Managing Agent scandal to be a cause worthy of my time and passion.
“ I have a dream” “ I’ve seen the promised land”.!!!!!
For Clarification,
The “PROMISED LAND” is a land that has ABOLISHED LEASEHOLD and STRICTLY REGULATED MANAGING AGENTS. Incarcerating those found to have committed criminal acts.
David, This short life of mine has been packed with watching an unregulated sector ask me for money without doing nothing yet the law makers sit in their cocoon chalet saying nothing. My contempt is for all parliament tenants enjoying a lifestyle in gilded cages sitting on the sidelines eyes wide shut while the law is abused by them and the abusers. Absolute shame
Please might I add that my father was arrested for demonstrating against his perceived idea that Israel was land grabbing on Palestian land.. The only reason I have thought of this paticular incident is Trumps incendiary decision to name “ Jerusalem “ the capital of Israel or some such other blige.
I couldn’t give a tinkers cuss what the bejesus the capital of Israel is called. Call it Ice cream or the moons a balloon ???? for all I care!,who gives a S#i#e? I mean really, what sane person cares what the capital of Israel is. HUH? , but I was just reminded of my dear departed respected activist papa. What a guy!!!
Mer C, Let it be said, our parliament is theatre, a front for democracy whilst in the background deals are done and monies paid. Our parliament is corrupt, our judiciary is corrupt, all the elements of State are corrupt.
There is no “for the common good” case for the continuing existence of our leasehold laws. There is a case for abolition, indeed it would be for the common good. The case for retention – of our leasehold laws – doesn’t exist, in that it benefits but a few rapacious and venal individuals who would score highly on Dr Hare’s Chart for Psychopathy.
You are right. Our Government, many politicians are corrupt. Corruption is what we are fighting. To add insult to injury, my housing association flies the Charity flag. They have shareholders. Talk about being on the gravy train! Talk and debates will get us nowhere. There must be a law, hidden somewhere that has a loophole for us to use. We are trapped, but we fight on.
Shall we go to parliament on the 21st then? Who is up for going to watch the debate…
I will , but are we going to protest or just watch? What good will just watching the debate do? We can do that from the comfort of our lap top
I would like to go and observe. I just want to hear what they have to say and we can take it from there.
Sorry Fleecehold. I will leave you to it. I shall do my Christmas shopping and watch it on my lap top. Any responses I can send via email.
I personally think it futile to sit and watch. I am more a direct action gal!,
Great to hear leasehold is going to be debates yet again but why do we always get the day before Xmas shut down??
This time slot isn’t going to get the representation that it deserves . And why is it in Westminster hall??
With all that aside we will be encouraging all campaigners to be contacting their MPS to ask them to attend this debate.
They are doing alot of talking. We need ACTION. It’s getting beyond a joke now.
I had to break the news to someone else today who had no idea they had a doubling ground rent and that their sale (due to complete) Friday was likely to fall through. I hate those “penny drop moments”.
Thank u for all the work LKP continue to put into this. I Feel we are going round in circles at the minute. NLC keep asking me “when are.we going to hear the outcome”? I guess we just need to keep the pressure on and keep everyone. Motivated .
Dear Katie
Please kick some A#se at the APPG today.
1. Managing Agents must be strictly regulated without delay. The. Majority are behaving like the Sicillian Mafia..Intimidating ,threatening and exploiting leaseholders is their stock in trade.
2. Leaseholders are being threatened with legal action “Defamation “ for sharing FACTS about Rogue Agents. Sir Peter Bottomley predicted this would happen and it is.happening. Unscrupulous Agents are creating a climate of abject fear amongst the more vulnerable of leaseholders and I regularly meet retired leaseholders at their wits end who cry and beg that I help them. They say that they receive extortionate service charge invoices, are treated with disdain, ignored or threatened with legal action if they question these arbitrary extortionate charges.
This cannot continue. Please be the “ Leaseholders” voice today and make the establishment ( APPG) sit up and listen. This endless round of “ Talking shops” just will not do!! People are living in fear. I
In addition to.my previous comment,
Please ask the APPG why SOUTHAM has not been removed as Lease Chairman.
Justin Madders MP bill does go to the heart of the matter and it would be helpful if we could establish a timeline to facilitate this. = will this bill obtain a second reading next February?
Also, pre-election, Gavin Barwell asked the Law Commission to report. on leasehold in its 13th Programme for Law Reform. This was put back until after the election- so can we establish when we may expect this.report,
And when may we expect Sajid Javid to follow up on his review.
Excellent points. We need some timescales. Meanwhile, freeholders are getting richer and more powerful and leaseholders get fleeced on the clock.
As Katie points out, these leasehold debates seem always to land on the last day of term. Usually just a handful of attendees.
DCLG said they would publish something before Christmas. So why another wee chat in Westminster?
I see Justin Madders has written to DCLG to ask what’s happening. His bill is seemingly toast as things stand.
Beginning to look like…er…politics all that talk of “fixing” the feudal system?
Nothing is going to change. Except maybe this awful government. The next lot will not reform leasehold either.
Time to see politics for what it is?
Used to be called the art of the possible. Art requires a modicum of skill and effort.
We live in a period of political incompetence.
I think this time something will change. The question is are we going for radical reform or lukewarm reshuffle? The problem is Brexit is tasing up everyones energy and focus so little else is happening.
Paddy we may live in a period of “Political Incompetence “ but we always have done.
However,thankfully we no longer live in a period of deference. Do we:?
I believe things will change if campaigners get more vociferous and active. I know from one of your previous comments that you do not “ March”. Well I hope you will make an exception for this protest.
The people ultimately have the power to bring about change.And I am not being naive!,
Grant Shapps put a stop to any reform on Day 1 of the new Conservative Government in May 2010.
For several years very little progress was made, I think aided and abetted by the DCLG who refuted change at any cost.
Of course over the years the hard work of Carlex/LKP has brought the issues to the attention of a wider public and helped many individuals and groups resolve problems caused by this unfair system. But in general most of us have got thoroughly disenchanted by going round in circles.
A year ago we were given a great boost by the National Leasehold Campaign, which came as a result of ridiculous escalating ground rents. I think this campaign will force the Government to ban any future similar activity, but I doubt there will be any big help for existing leaseholders or major reform to Leasehold generally.
In the last year we have had endless meetings, discussions and consultations at the highest level and by now everyone must be aware of the unfairness of the system.
But abolishing leasehold or making it fair means losses for those with a vested interest and they have the influence and power.
I think it will take more direct action to get total reform.
It would help the situation if people like the ARHM, ARMA , News on the Block, etc, etc stopped giving awards to companies that we all know abuse the system. And of course the LEASE organisation needs to be managed by people who would support reform.
Well then pull your socks Michael and do whatever you think needs to be done to effect change. Just make sure it is done by July 2018.
No obstacles just solutions .
Thank you.
Incidentally Michael. I recall you saying last year that my “ call for direct action”was premature and that TW et al should be allowed to sort it out in their own way. Do you remember that Michael??
How times have bloody changed.
Kim, I have been working hard on TW and have had a lot of correspondence with them to try and get an improved offer. Which needs to be the availability of all freeholds at a fair price to all purchasers (including resales), of TW leasehold houses.
I think they get the message.
How about you working on Persimmons, Belway, etc who have yet to make any offer.
Aside from that I have been campaigning for leaseholders in retirement complexes since May 2010.
Dear Michael
I was just pointing out how you denigrated my call for direct action last year. In actual fact I recall you were very belittling…. check your comments.
Never mind . We are all fighting for the same cause in our different ways.
Just had a reply some weeks after sending an email to Justin Madders
Not the faintest bit interested as I was not in his constituency!!!
Thats MP’s for you, dont hold out any hope
Thats just ‘strict parliamentary protocol’ Who is your own MP?
Write to them first and ask them to pass on your views. it takes time and effort but there is no alternative.
Yes is , Storm the.barricades. That will garner a result.
Truth is , most folks are all “ Hat and no cattle”
Cest la vie!, The pantomime will continue…………………. Well it is Christmas.
Dicky Smith,
You have been most unfair to Justin Madders. It is not allowed under Parliamentary laws to involve yourself in another members constituency. Justin Madders alongside the likes of Sir Peter Bottomley, Sir Ed Davey, and Jim Fitzpatrick have been amazing in their support for victimised leaseholders.
Agree with Michael Epstein.
D Smith should be prodding his own local MP to give 200% support to Justin Madders.
The comment from ms June A. Van Orman really clarified things for me.
We are fighting against corruption and that is the root of the problem and why we haven’t been winning.
Amidst our democracy, there are disturbing connections between tax evasion, property scams, managing agents, strike off notices, associated companies, phantom freeholders, dodgy solicitors and property self proclaimed “professionals”. charities and nominee directors.
Unfortunately, we currently have a weak government, which is unlikely to tackle the root of the problem. Additionally there is Brexit to deal with which is taking up 100% just to keep it going, so corrupt individuals can sleep soundly – for the time being.