LKP welcomes comments on the website and strong but courteous debate.
The new website allows comments and we do not censor them. If you think we are talking rubbish, you are free to say so.
We have cut stuff in the past that was vituperative, or deliberately antagonistic or so obsessional and boring that it turned other readers off. But we do not like doing it.
To avoid using automated anti-spam filters, which have given difficulty in the past, we have to authorise the first comment made by different users. Thereafter, we do not interfere.
So, please share your thoughts.
If you wish to discuss matters with other leaseholders the best place to do so is on the National Leasehold Campaign Facebook page, which has 16,000 members.
This is a superb self-help resource and should be the first port of call for anyone trying to get their head around leasehold.
Please do also check out our advice pages, which seek to guide leaseholders in the – few and unbalanced – protections that exist for them.