Has Peverel / FirstPort made the cut to join ARMA’s ethically enhanced membership scheme?
Or Countrywide?
We won’t know until next month, unless the companies themselves indicate that they are accredited – as is the case with the LKP member HML Holdings plc.
It appears that there was a deluge of applications and the few staff at ARMA have been processing the applications.
But the key point is that ARMA-Q membership is to be a condition of membership of ARMA, and applications should have been in by January 1.
There is a bit of wriggle room for those finding it difficult to comply immediately – why is that, after the prolonged build-up? – but if you won’t or can’t join ARMA-Q, you are out of the trade body.
There is a big question mark over Countrywide, which we contacted in December to ask whether it had applied to join ARMA-Q.
The reply at that stage was carefully worded comment that the large property management group was still a member of ARMA.
We have a short wait.
I saw these comments on Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation and I would appreciate some comments please.
Michael Epstein Commented:-
I can’t wait! I wonder if Sue Petri who sits on the governance board of ARMA and is Head of Business Development, Peverel/FirstPort knows the answer?
Michael Epstein says:
January 11, 2015 at 10:36 pm
Of course whether Peverel/FirstPort meets the requirements may depend on the decision of the ARMA Technical Support Officer, Geraldine Shortall, who in 2010 investigate serious issues that were raised with ARMA, concerning one of their largest members, Peverel.
Prior to joining ARMA, Geraldine Shortall held a senior position within Pembertons (part of the Peverel Group)
chas says:
January 11, 2015 at 10:42 pm
What are the implications of the Governance Board and Sue Petri and Geraldine Shortall, at Peverel Services Ltd/Pembertons was/ is there a Conflict of Interest?
We have asked readers not to name individuals on these websites, where it can be avoided.
There are bound top be ex-Peverel staff employed across the sector and in trade bodies.
There are obvious incentives for ARMA to admit Peverel / FirstPort now that it has applied to join ARMA-Q. Whether it is admitted, 12 months after having been found to be involved in a price fixing racket in the retirement sector, is up to the trade body.
We doubt it is a decision likely to be swayed by any individual.
Michael Epstein
I do take on board your comment regarding names.
I do feel that in this case, those named by me are in very senior positions and the individuals have themselves voluntarily put their names in the public domain.
I do feel it is legitimate to mention past and current connections between ARMA and Peverel, especially as ARMA has to make a key decision regarding the admission of Peverel, which will have implications for the future of Peverel and quite possibly ARMA itself.
Thank you to LKP and Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation for keeping us informed on all issues, especially the latest and usually nefarious activities of OM Peverel/ First Port. Whatever new cloak it dons, this sinsister behemoth rises like Lazarus to haunt this sector.
Myself and other residents at our modest estate are now filing a full complaint with the Ombudsman. As someone who lives day to day with the damaging effects of being entangled with OM, I have today sent a robust missive to the ARMA, urging them to act ethically and strip OM of all ARMA membership . This has also been forwarded to two MPs. Needless to say, the Board of OM have never had the courtesy to respond to our complaints. In the public arena, they maintain a sickening and hypocrytical commitment to alleged high standards. If we did not have to contend with them, we would simply laugh. However, persistence pays off and with tenacity, they can be overcome,as has often been reported. Keep the news coming…